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Step up to better health

Cardio kids now in fifth year

Darrell Greer
Northern News Services

Rankin Inlet (Sep 17/03) - Carla Punshon has taken a lot of positive steps in Rankin Inlet.

A dozen dedicated steppers helped Punshon kick off her fifth season teaching step aerobics this past week at the Leo Ussak gym.

Punshon says the number of participants often fluctuates throughout the year.

"Our numbers tend to rise and fall at certain times of the year," says Punshon.

"We always get an influx of participants at the start of the class and another at the beginning of the new year.

"You also have a core of dedicated participants who keep coming year after year."

The class attracts a wide variety of people, encompassing numerous age groups and professions.

The stepping enthusiasts range in age from their early 20s to their early 70s.

"We also have quite a few men who come to the class, as well.

"It's important for people in the community to realize the class is not just a girl thing."

Punshon says some people take her class to lose weight, while others participate to stay in top physical shape.

This past year, she took the cardiovascular training of step aerobics and branched it out into a soccer program.

The program proved itself popular enough that she's bringing it back again this year.

"To be honest, I got a little tired of teaching the same class three times a week.

"We were looking for something fun, and a little different, to do."

Punshon says Friday can be a difficult day to motivate people to leave their office and go exercise.

The idea was raised that a group program might be a bit more attractive to most people.

The soccer program is non-competitive. The players don't keep score, and tend to go a little easy on the less skilled among them.

"Everybody pitches in to make our soccer fun to come to."

Punshon says sometimes newcomers to the community can be a little surprised to find a step aerobics class in an Arctic hamlet.

They soon realize, however, Kivalliq hamlets are quick to offer what they can.

"If a plummer moves to town, you have that. If a hairdresser comes home, or moves to town, you have that.

"That's the way it tends to be here. You offer the activities that are available at any given time."