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Broken panes a pain

Yose Cormier
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Sep 12/03) - The city of Yellowknife is looking at spending about $15,000 to fix up some windows.

Between 28 and 30 bus shelter windows damaged by vandals will have to be fixed before winter sets in.

"It's frustrating. There are a lot of panes out and it's all because of vandalism. It costs the city $500 to repair each. That's expensive to replace," said Jennifer Roste, municipal works engineer on Tuesday.

The city has tried to use glass and plexiglass panes, but that hasn't deterred vandals, said Roste.

According to the RCMP, the city and the police work together to try to solve these crimes, but finding the culprits isn't always easy.

"When the crime is reported, we'll investigate. But finding them depends on the information we gather," said Insp. Paul Richards.

He said that vandalism is very difficult to fight because it's an act that is done quickly and most often under the cover of darkness.

Richards said these crimes are usually solved thanks to the help of residents who have witnessed the act.

The city is working on a bylaw that would assist in the fight against vandalism.