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Komex comes to town

International environmental-impact and assessment company moves in

Stephan Burnett
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Aug 06/03) - A large player in the environmental consulting scene has opened an office in Yellowknife.

Komex has been in business for over 25 years, but until last month, never had an office in the NWT, said Morris Maccagno, operations manager in their Edmonton office.

"We're into environmental-impact assessment and environmental issues having to do with the pipeline, water-resource planning, mining, water-shed management, with river engineering experience within the North, with frost-heave, muskeg, ice scouring and northern river crossing," said Maccagno.

"Eventually, I can see a dozen employees (in Yellowknife) at some point, but we need to grow slowly and find the right people and the right projects," he said.

Wayne Bryant has been appointed as the new northern operations manager for Komex.

"I see my role as being business development, in establishing business relationships with the First Nations and to ensure we keep our clients happy. We're looking to see how Komex will grow in Yellowknife and the other communities," said Bryant.

"There's a wealth of experience and expertise within this company," said Bryant.

"It also gives me the opportunity to be involved in larger projects," he said.

Komex employs 300 people worldwide.