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Premier heads to PEI

Yose Cormier
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (July 04/03) - Stephen Kakfwi is getting another opportunity to promote devolution and revenue-sharing with other premiers.

The NWT premier is heading east on Saturday for the annual premier's conference.

A quick weekend stop in Quebec for a meeting with premier Jean Charest will be followed by the three-day conference in Charlottetown, PEI from Wednesday to Friday.

"I will be bringing up devolution and revenue sharing.

"I will tell them we need their support so the NWT can start contributing to Canada," he said Thursday.

The premier made a similar push earlier in June during the western premier's conference in British Columbia.

Kakfwi said this conference will allow him to "spread the message a little further."

His meeting with Charest will deal mostly with the North's diamond industry and the NWT's plan for a national diamond industry.

Kakfwi said he is taking some diamonds with him for a little "show and tell."