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One million per kilometre or more?

City to start paving program

Christine Kay
Northern News Services

Iqaluit (June 30/03) - The City of Iqaluit will start the third year of it's paving program by the end of July.

The city will spend $1.3 million to put down 750 metres of pavement.

"It's a little more expensive this year because there's some extra work to do like putting in culverts and so on," said Brad Sokach, Iqaluit's director of engineering.

The paving program includes Ring Road from the entrance of Happy Valley to the hospital intersection, and Niaqunngusiaq (Apex) Road from the water booster station to just past the Road to Nowhere.

Areas paved in the last two years will get a lift or top coat.

Baffin Building Systems got the project.

The City aims to have all the road work done by the end of September.

Once complete, a total of about four kilometres of road in Iqaluit will be paved. The seven-year program will pave 10 km of road for just over $10 million.

Secondary roads in Iqaluit will get their usual fresh application of crushed rock. Road repairs in Iqaluit mean inconvenience, but most residents are happy to see the work done.

"There will be interruptions but as long as this gets done it's beautiful," said Rainer Launhardt, Manager of the Frobisher Inn.

Jason Devries, who lives in Happy Valley, agrees. He just wishes the City would get to work paving other roads too.

"I'm happy to see it done, they've got to patch up the pot holes but they could start doing other roads too," he explained.