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Busy week for seniors

Lisa Scott
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 30/03) - Seniors in Yellowknife will be picnicking, bird watching, and story-telling all next week.

Hosted by the Yellowknife Seniors Society, Senior Citizens Week 2003 is a week-long string of events to enhance respect and recognition of our elderly.

It all starts on Monday with a seniors evening at Aven Manor at 7 p.m.

There's a picnic at Somba K'e park on Tuesday and a chance to hear Northern entertainers at the Explorer Hotel on Thursday.

Bring your binoculars for some bird watching around Niven Lake on Friday and finish the week off with the seventh annual seniors walk with the mayor on Saturday.

All events are open to the public, but some require tickets for entry.

Call Martha at the Yellowknife Seniors Society for more information, or drop in to the Baker Community Centre.