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Feds dish out dollars

Northern projects benefit from Secretary

Cheryl Robinson
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 30/03) - The federal government wants small communities to find answers to the challenges they face, says Secretary of State Andy Mitchell.

"Community development has to be a bottom-up and not a top- down approach," Mitchell said on a visit to Yellowknife.

He was in the capital last weekend to announce $200,000 in project funding and meet with local advisory groups on ways to improve Northern life.

Finding solutions for local problems such as low population density, transportation issues and resource development were hot topics.

"We work with the community and make sure they have the human resources they need and understand what their assets are so they know what they can build upon," Mitchell said.

Yellowknife projects receiving federal funding are the Smart Communities Society, the Native Women's Association, Women's Voices in Leadership and the trades entrance exam curriculum.

Other Northern projects receiving funds are the Access Deline Community Gateway, Holman Community Economic Development Plan project proposal, coordinating youth in the community with leadership experience in Fort Smith and Smith's Landing First Nation farming.