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MLA pushes for deal with specialists

Range Lake MLA launches petition to push government to settle with docs

Erin Fletcher
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 21/03) - Range Lake MLA Sandy Lee has launched a petition asking the government to settle with territorial specialists.

NNSL Photo

Sharon Low, front, signs a petition launched by Range Lake MLA Sandy Lee asking the government to settle with territorial specialists. - Shelley Johnstone/NNSL photo

Lee and Yellowknife resident Sharon Low spent Saturday afternoon with their petition at Centre Square Mall.

"I just wanted to let the government know that this is very serious and the government should do everything they can to reach a settlement," said Lee.

On April 1, 12 of the territory's 15 specialists handed in their resignations to the territorial government. They say they'll leave if a contract isn't negotiated by July 1.

The next round of negotiations is set for May 28-30.

Lee is gathering the signatures to give the government -- specifically Health Minister Michael Miltenberger and Premier Stephen Kakfwi -- an indication of the amount of public support the specialists have.

She said she doesn't like Miltenberger's approach to the situation.

"It's like it's no big deal," she said.

"Specialists are not easily replaced."

Low said the problem is a "leadership issue." The mother of two has a hard enough time getting a general practitioner and can't imagine what it would be like without specialist care for her son.

"I need those doctors to look after my son," she said while gathering signatures.

The petition is available online at sandyleemla.com or at various local businesses. Petitions must be returned by 5 p.m. May 27 to count.