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Matchmaker, matchmaker

Summer student program places workers with employers

Terry Halifax
Northern News Services

Inuvik (May 16/03) - Finding work and making money to go back to school is a tough job, when you have few skills and little experience.

Each summer, thousands of students eager to gain some experience start knocking on doors to get their first jobs in the workplace and to help them along the way is the Hire a Student office and the Human Resources Development building.

Marlene Peffer found a summer job, but she's hoping to find many more -- but not for herself.

Peffer is the co-ordinator for Hire a Student at Human Resources and Development Canada (HRDC).

The office opened April 22, and will run to the end of August.

Peffer takes job orders from employers and matches them with students looking for work. She has hit the ground running at her new position.

"So far, I've visited about 40 businesses to introduce the program and let them know I'm here," Peffer said.

She also aids students in building resumes, provides tips on job interviews and adopting good work habits.

The outlook for summer employment looks good so far, she says, but there also many students looking for work.

"There is a lot of work out there," she said. "There are also lots of summer students signing up."

To raise awareness of the summer program, Peffer has been advertising around town with posters, visiting employers and visited the high school.

"I was there for two days to let students know I'm here and what's available to them," she said.

Peffer said there is funding available to employers from Education, Culture and Employment and HRDC to help pay the student's wages.

The program is open to students age 15 to 30 and employers from all over the Beaufort Delta.

A student herself, Peffer is studying Management Development at the University of Alberta. She grew up and went to school in Inuvik, so she knows many of the students who come into the office.

"I think I know all the students who've come in so far," she said.

The Hire a Student office is open Monday to Friday and is also open during lunch hour.

For more on the program check out the Web site at www.youth.gc.ca.