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Cabin owners at Shell Lake may become part of the town limits, if 51 per cent of owners agree to a proposal of Inuvik council. - Terry Halifax/NNSL photo

Town and country may meet

Shell Lake development begins this summer

Terry Halifax
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Apr 04/03) - The town could gain some new ground and country cabin owners might soon be townies in a new project proposed by town council.

The Town of Inuvik is working on a transfer of Commissioner's Land on the east side of Shell Lake that will be sold as lakeside lots.

"We're set to take those lands over in June of this year," Clarkson said.

There will be no road access to the new lots, other than the winter road and summer access from the boat launch.

The town will also ask cabin owners on the south end of the lake if they'd like to become part of the town in the boundary expansion.

The cabin owners on the south end of the lake currently live as squatters with the exception of one owner, who has a lease from the GNWT. People are worried that other squatters will move in and build beside their cabins.

"Current cabin owners are now concerned, because they have no rights there; everybody's a squatter," Clarkson said.

"We will discuss with cabin owners if they would like to be within the town boundaries."

"They would be able to purchase the land their cabin's on."

Some airport lands may also be secured from the Department of Transportation and Municipal and Community Affairs. Transportation said the land will provide the town a gravel source for "the next 200 years."

"They have agreed to give us the portion of land next to their pit, which is the best rock within the municipal boundaries," Clarkson said.

There will also be a transfer of current airport lands along Airport Lake that will be zoned as town recreational lands.