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He said, he said

Lafferty and Handley square off over highway

Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Feb 21/03) - Joe Handley, the minister in charge of highways, demanded an apology from North Slave MLA Leon Lafferty following a heated debate over the condition of Highway 3 between Yellowknife and Rae.

Here's what was said:

Feb. 18

LAFFERTY: "I drove into Yellowknife yesterday from my home in Rae. I was appalled at the condition of the road. The road was icy and it was difficult to drive, especially with the light snow on the surface.

There were two accidents along this road this weekend. In yesterday's News/North, a constituent wrote in thanking people for helping her when her vehicle went off the road between Yellowknife and Rae.

There are problems with Highway 3 that need to be addressed. The minister (Handley) continues to say the department is doing a very good job and the highway is safe. Mr. Speaker, I have to say the Minister is a total stranger to the truth."

Feb. 19

HANDLEY: "On page 278 of yesterday's unedited Hansard, Mr. Lafferty says: 'I have to say the minister is a total stranger to the truth.' This comment clearly violates Rule 23(h) and (j). Rule 23(h) makes an allegation against another member, house officer or witness and 23(j) is charging another member with uttering deliberate falsehoods. Mr. Speaker, someone who is a total stranger to the truth, quite simply put, is a liar. I, at no time, have lied or misled the House as Mr. Lafferty has indicated in his Member's statement. Mr. Speaker, I ask that there be an apology and that this be withdrawn from the Hansard."

LAFFERTY: "The minister has put a point of order on the table. The definition of what one thinks or what one says differs for everyone.

"The words I used were to say that he didn't know the truth and he was travelling a separate highway from the truth. I could have used those words. What he is saying in this house and the truth are different. I am not calling him a liar."

HANDLEY: "Without having read the Hansard, just on the member's comments that what I say and what is the truth are two different things.

"I don't have the exact wording here, but in trying to explain himself, Mr. Lafferty just went on to give me grounds for another point of order. Thank you."

Speaker Tony Whitford reserved decision on the matter.