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Northerners earn Canada's highest award

Christine Kay
Northern News Services

Iqaluit (Jan 20/03) - Residents of the Canadian North have much to be proud of and Adrienne Clarkson, Canada's Governor General, has taken notice. On Friday, she appointed four Nunavummiut and one resident of the Northwest Territories to the Order of Canada.

The Order is the highest honour for lifetime achievements in the country. It is separated into three levels of recognition: companion, officer and member.

Zacharias Kunuk of Iglulik was named an officer of the order. He is the director of Atanarjuat (The Fast Runner), the first dramatic feature produced completely in Inuktitut.

Rankin Inlet's Tagak Curley was named a member of the order. He was the founding president of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, a lead negotiator of the Nunavut Land Claims agreement and the president of Nunavut Construction.

Helen Mamayaok Maksagak of Cambridge Bay was also named a member. She was the first Inuk commissioner of the NWT and the first commissioner of Nunavut.

Elisapie Ootava from Pond Inlet joined the ranks as well. She is the co-author of an encyclopedia of Inuit traditional knowledge and of an Inuktitut dictionary.

George Blondin of Rae-Edzo, NWT was honoured for his devotion to preserving the heritage of the Dene people.