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Keeping the bottle out

Rankin goes dry for the holidays

Christine Kay
Northern News Services

Rankin Inlet (Dec 11/02) - For the third year in a row, Rankin Inlet's hamlet has passed a resolution asking that alcohol not be shipped into the community over the Christmas holidays.

"We're not saying thou shalt not consume alcohol. We're simply asking that people respect our decision," said Coun. Laura Kowmuk.

The hamlet has no legal right to ban the shipment of alcohol. Instead, it has requested members of the community voluntarily comply.

They have suggested the alcohol-free shipping period be in effect from Dec. 18 to Jan. 3.

Kowmuk said elders in the community requested the reduction of alcohol during the holidays. Hamlet officials who issue liquor licences and the airlines also comply with the resolution.

"It's not a long-term solution but it's a short-term thing that we can at least work on," she said.

Deputy Mayor Levinia Brown said educating the public on the affects of alcohol is the only way to really make a dent in the problem.

"We won't be able to ban it forever. People are becoming more aware of their rights. They'll just have to learn to control their alcohol consumption. We can't always do it for them," said Brown.

Brown said during the holiday season, emphasis needs to be put on children. That's why the community needs the restriction.

"We have this saying, 'Peace and good will to everyone,' and I believe it that," she said.

Rankin Inlet RCMP said the restriction was an effective tool in the past.

"We found that with the alcohol ban and the community activities going on, we had a significant drop in calls that we receive," said Const. Bob Hodyr.