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Lorne Power (right), branch manager for the Royal Canadian Legion No. 164, discusses this year's Remembrance Day ceremony with members of the organizing committee. - Tara Kearsey/NNSL photo

Power gets ready

Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 08/02) - It's a big job that's impossible for one person to tackle.

With the assistance of the Remembrance Day committee, Lorne Power, branch manager for the Royal Canadian Legion No. 164, has been running around making preparations for Nov. 11 ceremonies since the beginning of September.

"It's the biggest thing that we do from a Legion standpoint for our veterans during the year," said Power.

Planning for Remembrance Day involves countless hours of hard work.

Wreaths have to be ordered, the poppy campaign has to be organized and implemented, officials have to be briefed on how the outdoor ceremony will unfold and the indoor ceremony at St. Pat's high school has to be perfectly mapped out.

"It's hectic, to be honest with you," said Power.

Because it's the largest event of the year for the Royal Canadian Legion, there are always some last-minute preparations to make.

"We run into some glitches every year but because we've got 12 or 14 people involved, it comes together," he said.

In the end, everything always works out just fine and Power is confident that this year's ceremonies will be better than ever.

"Remembrance Day brings the community together and I think that's the biggest achievement that I see," he said.