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Legion president in hospital

Randy Horne is still awaiting surgery in an Edmonton hospital

Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 08/02) - Royal Canadian Legion No. 164 president Randy Horne is still hospitalized in Edmonton after he fell nearly eight metres from the roof of a housing project Oct. 24.

Legion branch manager Lorne Power said Horne, who works for the NWT Housing Corporation, broke both of his legs and ankles and an elbow as a result of the fall.

Horne was reaching for his safety harness when he lost his footing, said Power.

Safety Inspectors for the Workers' Compensation Board are investigating the incident.

Power said Horne will be unable to participate in the Remembrance Day ceremonies Monday because he is still awaiting surgery. His term as Legion president is up on Nov. 28.

"His spirits are good," said Power.

"They haven't operated yet because of swelling so he's hoping to get into the (operating room) today."