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Communication breakdown

Coroner calls for better co-operation with hospital

Chris Puglia
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 29/02) - Percy Kinney, the territory's chief coroner, is hopeful communication between his office and Stanton Territorial Hospital will improve.

Kinney's reaction came following the release of the Stanton Hospital operational review, which recommends the hospital improve its internal and external communication procedures.

He said his office has had difficulties obtaining information from the hospital.

"It's not consistently a problem, but it has been a problem," he said.

"It causes a lot of frustration.

"We've never had any problems with health records. What has been a problem is getting the story from staff."

Kinney said that dealing with hospital staff is sometimes difficult because they are not always sure what information they can release.

He added that sometimes staff is very accommodating while other times they are "gun shy" about what they can release.

"A lot of that stems from not having a clear policy in what they can and can't engage in," said Kinney.

He said he would like to see them follow through on the recommendations to develop a communication protocol so everyone is on the same page.

"It would allow us to know going in that we're going to get a level of co-operation that is consistent."