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School rivalry raises concerns

Chris Puglia
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 20/02) - The behaviour of high school students on and off the ice during the hockey Challenge Cup has administration re-evaluating the annual event.

NNSL photo

The car that was found on the steps between Weledeh school and St. Patrick high school now rests at the local wreckers. The car was painted with slogans outlining Sir John Franklin school pride. - Chris Puglia/NNSL photo

Every year the rivalry between the city's two high schools -- St. Patrick and Sir John Franklin -- gets heated in the lead up to the game.

Students from both schools like to play tricks, and have a little fun. But this year some of the antics may have gone too far.

On Thursday, Challenge Cup game day, students from St. Pat's and Weledeh Catholic school arrived in the morning to a new ornament on the steps of the school -- a bright yellow Dodge Daytona with blue writing, the colours of Sir John.

But that didn't amuse St. Pat's principal Johnny Bowden.

"It was left on an elementary playground with no regard to safety," said Bowden.

The vehicle was situated precariously on the steps leading up to the school.

The rivalry between the two schools has routinely resulted in borderline vandalism.

Last year, eggs were thrown at both St. Pat's and Sir John Franklin schools.

"Some kids have a twisted notion of what pride for your school means. That's unfortunate. There are a lot of other fun spirited things you can do."

Merrill Dean, principal at Weledeh Catholic school, said she was concerned over how the vehicle arrived on the grounds.

"We had kids playing on the grounds when they were driving it in. I had some kids come to me and say they were doing 360s. I recognize it was good clean fun, but they have to recognize they were driving in a place where kids are playing," she said.

Bowden said the RCMP informed him the car had been reported stolen.

Also that day, some cars in the St. Pat's student parking lot were sprayed with silly string.

In the evening a fight broke out on the ice following the game and the Sir John Franklin mascot was vandalized.

Bowden said the issues will be looked at and a decision will be made. "There were some things done behind the scenes that didn't portray our respective schools in the most positive light," he said.