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Drug suspect behind bars until hearing

Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 01/02) - A Kamloops, B.C, man facing drug charges will remain in custody until his court appearance next Tuesday.

Daniel Edward McMillan, 18, was arrested Monday night in Yellowknife following a joint investigation between the Hay River and Yellowknife RCMP detachments that ended up in a seizure of $40,000 worth of cocaine.

Police say the cocaine seized Monday night was destined for the streets of Yellowknife.

McMillan has been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking and failure to comply with disposition under the Young Offenders Act. In court Wednesday, he reserved his right to a show cause hearing.

Crown counsel Shannon Smallwood said McMillan has consented to stay in custody until his territorial court appearance Tuesday.