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NEU election on the horizon

Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services

Cambridge Bay (Oct 07/02) - About 27 delegates from the Nunavut Employees Union will gather next week in Cambridge Bay for their second convention ever.

The convention will run from Oct. 16 to 20 at the Cambridge Bay community hall, beginning with a training session to inform delegates what to expect there.

"We have a lot of union members that are going to be new to a convention setting ... and going to an NEU convention we want to make sure they are prepared," said president Doug Workman.

Workman said the training day will be followed by budget discussions, the passing of about 100 resolutions, a banquet and the election of a new president and executive.

Guest speakers invited to attend include Nunavut Inuit leaders James Eetoolook, first vice-president of Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated and Bill Lyall, president of Arctic Co-op Limited.

Workman said John Gordon, first vice-president of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, will also attend the meeting as NEU's "honoured chairperson."

Workman confirmed he plans on running for re-election as president of the NEU. The election will be held on the final day of the convention, Oct. 20.