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Twelve days of games

Plans already underway for Christmas fun

Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services

Coral Harbour (Oct 30/02) - Plans are already in the works for another 12 exciting days of Christmas games this year.

Members of the recreation committee have pooled their creative resources once again and plan to offer tons of fascinating activities for the young and old this year.

Recreation co-ordinator Heather Kolit said all of the crowd favourites will be offered again this year.

Beginning on Dec. 24, kids and adults will be crab jigging, participating in the one-dog sled race, ski-doo hauling event, ptarmigan hunt, obstacle race, snowmobile parade, and many more captivating contests.

A particularly quirky event this year is called the 'Funny face lift.' That's when participants wrap their faces in transparent tape.

"You try and make your face as tight as possible and the funniest-looking face wins," said Kolit.

But to ensure the games are a great success, the recreation committee requires the assistance of dedicated volunteers.

"It's kind of hard to get volunteers.

"The games are there but we need people to assist with them," said Kolit.

Kolit claims her job as hamlet recreation co-ordinator is more like fun and games than work.

She will be on the job for a year at the end of October and said she has never held such a lively and exciting occupation.

"This job is interesting. It changes all the time," she said.

As expected, recreation activities always rotate according to the season.

In the summertime the hamlet is a hive of excitement with swimming, baseball games and the Hamlet Games in August. Fall is a little slow while residents anxiously wait for natural ice at the arena to freeze up, winter is abuzz with all sorts of outdoor activities, and in the spring most residents head out on the land for hunting and fishing.

Although things slow down at times, Kolit never has a dull moment. She appreciates being able to interact with all ages.

"It's very interesting. It gets stressful when you have to work like 12 to 14 hours a day, but I still enjoy it," she said.