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On with the show

Children's theatre returns for encore performance

Darrell Greer
Northern News Services

Rankin Inlet (Oct 21/02) - The shows just keep getting bigger and better.

That's the consensus in Rankin Inlet following the Missoula Children's Theatre performance of the Wiz of the West this past month.

The Wiz was the second play conducted in Rankin by Missoula during the past two years. Maani Ulujuk middle school teacher, and the play's musical accompanist, Julie Millen says the Wiz of the West was an "absolutely fantastic" production.

"The kids who were in the first play knew what to expect this year and that made a huge difference," says Millen.

"If we keep bringing Missoula back, the play will get better every year."

Theatrical fever seems to be taking hold among Rankin's youth.

A total of 150 students auditioned for parts in 2001, and that number increased to 173 this year.

The play's growing popularity among school-aged kids in Rankin was further evidenced by the number of students who returned after being in the 2001 show.

Millen says although the troupe's actor-directors strive to make the experience an enjoyable one for the students, a lot of work goes into the production.

"It's really a lot to learn in just four days," says Millen. "The kids have to learn their lines, the words to the songs, the dance steps and their cues. The fact they perform at such a high level shows how into it they really are."

In addition to the theatrical experience, the show helps the kids with their overall confidence, feelings of self-esteem and their ability to meet the challenge the performance presents them. While learning their roles for the play, a sense of team spirit develops and the kids come together in their quest for a common goal.

Millen says one of Missoula's goals is to bring out the best in each student.

She says the two actor-directors set the bar a bit higher each time the cast goes through the performance.

"If the troupe comes back every year, a natural progression will occur and the younger kids who played the buzzards and the spiders will keep coming back and trying for the more major roles.

"That will give them something to aspire to every year and the show will continue to improve."