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New program for disabled

Family support improvements

Chris Puglia
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Sep 25/02) - A new program is hoping to open doors for persons with disabilities in Yellowknife.

The Family Project is a new initiative through the Yellowknife Association for Community Living that began operating on July 8.

The program is available to all people regardless of their disability or age.

"This is not specific to intellectual disabilities or younger children," Renee Lelievre, project coordinator.

The objective is to work with families to ensure they have access to vital information.

"The reason for the Family Project itself stems from the goal the association has to ensure families are supported," said Lelievre.

"As well as a cry from parents to provide information on what is currently available in Yellowknife."

Lelievre can also help with people research a variety of information they may want additional information on.

Services such as home care, travel, recreation and a host of others services that centre around community can be accessed.

Lelievre said the program is dictated by the families involved.

"The direction comes from the parents," she said.

"I think it is something that will be constantly growing and evolving."

So far the project has been well supported and there has been a lot of family involvement already.

As well, Lelievre said she has been impressed with how organized the services are in Yellowknife for people with disabilities.

"I haven't found a lot of duplication in services," she said.