Chris Puglia
Northern News Services
Yellowknife Catholic Schools is close to an agreement to gain ownership of the old driver training centre from the territorial government.
"We are in the midst of getting a transfer of land from the territorial government," said Kern Von Hagen, Catholic school board superintendent.
The transfer is expected to be complete by the end of the month or early October. The building is across 44th Street from St. Patrick high school.
The training facility is expected to combine the existing building with new construction.
"We're trying to determine what the footprint of the building will look like," said Von Hagen.
Construction is expected to cost about $1.25 million plus about $200,000 for equipment.
The budget for the facility's instructional and staffing requirements is still being determined.
Part of the construction cost will be covered by the board's capital reserve, now worth $350,000. At its next meeting, the board will discuss transferring $350,000 from its 2001/2002 surplus into the reserve fund.
"We will also be sourcing dollars from a number of other partners. We're hoping to work with industry, construction and ECE (Department of Education, Culture and Employment)," said Von Hagen.
"Our goal is to expose students to trades."
That exposure will allow them to participate in the School North Apprenticeship Program (SNAP) or find a sponsor in their field of interest.
The board hopes construction can begin next spring.
When completed, the facility will cater to middle school and high school students from the three Yellowknife Catholic schools.