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Human remains found and identified

Community experiences sense of relief

Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services

Pond Inlet (July 22/02) - Police have positively identified human remains discovered a kilometre south of Pond Inlet.

In a press release issued by Cpl. Andy White of the RCMP's major crimes unit in Iqaluit, police said the body is that of 19-year-old Vennant Kayotak, who disappeared almost a year ago.

Family members reported Kayotak missing on Aug. 19, 2001.

He was out walking when a sudden snow storm hit the community.

A ground, air and marine search and rescue mission failed to find him and was called off Sept. 1, 2001.

Police received a call concerning the remains the evening of July 11 and released the name the next day.

An autopsy was scheduled to take place last Monday, July 15.

Pond Inlet RCMP Const. Louis Jenvenne said while the discovery was heart-breaking, it also created a sense of relief among family and community members.

"This has come to a conclusion," said Jenvenne. "It's better to know than not to know at all. That's my thoughts after speaking with the family," he said.

Funeral services will be held in Iglulik.