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Police protection

Residents pleased RCMP re-opened detachment

Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services

Pelly Bay (July 15/02) - Cpl. Ron Smith wasn't exactly prepared for life in Kugaaruk. What surprised him most perhaps, was to find snowmobiles still running June 1.

Smith and his family moved from Northern Alberta to the Kitikmeot community to re-open the RCMP detachment.

Local police pulled out last June due to a shortage of officers in the territory's "V" Division. "I went from mowing my lawn to shovelling the snow in my driveway," laughed Smith, after nearly six weeks on the job.

Smith said he was impressed with how happy residents were to see police return to the community.

A second officer is scheduled to arrive next month.

"Everybody is waving and happy to see the police in town," he said.

According to Quinn Taggart, the hamlet's senior administrator, the community is pleased to see police because they were basically left on their own the last 12 months.

"We're extremely pleased to be able to get an RCMP presence back in the community," said Taggart.