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Negotiations winding down

Dogrib expect to initial final land-claim agreement in August

Jorge Barrera
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (June 05/02) - This summer could mark the beginning of the end of land-claim negotiations for the Dogrib Treaty 11 Nation.

On Aug. 5, negotiators from the Dogrib, territorial and federal governments are scheduled to initial a final agreement -- the first step of the last stage in the land-claim process.

"I don't think (the date) will move," said John B. Zoe, Dogrib chief negotiator. Gary Black, chief negotiator for the territorial government, said there are still major hurdles to overcome.

Black said financing and what rights the Dogrib gain with the agreement are still under negotiation.

"Whether we can finish by then I don't know. Everyone is working hard to reach that date (Aug. 5)," said Black.

The initialing date has floated over the past two years. The Dogrib planned to initial a final agreement last summer, said Zoe.

"It might have been a little premature at the time," said Zoe. "The agreement wasn't as close as it is today. "

The Dogrib negotiating contingent will travel to Ottawa the week of June 16 for more negotiations.

After the initialing, each of the three parties need to approve the agreement, the governments with their legislators and the Dogrib with their people -- a process that could take several months or even years.

Zoe said the Dogrib will put the final agreement to a vote where 50 per cent plus one determines the outcome.

The agreement provides the Dogrib with title to 39,000 square kilometres of land around the communities of Wha Ti, Gameti, Wekweti and Rae-Edzo -- 100 kilometres northwest from Yellowknife

It also includes a $90 million cash settlement, a share of resource royalties received by the federal government from development in the Mackenzie Valley, and extensive self-government powers.

The Akaitcho Treaty 8 Nation -- which includes Ndilo and Dettah -- are in court fighting to stop the Dogrib final agreement.

Akaitcho fears loss of control over lands they claim a historical stake in. Federal negotiators could not be reached for comment.