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An overdue gathering

Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services

Grise Fiord (May 20/02) - At long last, the Qikiqtani Inuit Association's board of directors is heading to Grise Fiord.

The occasion? A board meeting, scheduled for May 27 through 31. The reason it's a big deal? Because the last person to sit in the president's chair cancelled an already-planned board meeting on short notice last March, leaving residents feeling snubbed.

Marty Kuluguqtuq, who was outspoken about his disappointment last year, said there was hesitation among community members when it comes to next week's visit.

"I guess we'll believe them when we see them," said Kuluguqtuq, a hamlet employee. "There's a sense of reserved excitement. It's either that (QIA cancelling) or the weather doesn't co-operate properly. It will probably be one or the other."

Not so, said QIA executive director Terry Audla.

"There's no going back," said Audla. "We try and alternate between North and South Baffin and in the past it's all been South Baffin."

QIA executive members and directors have all been placed with billets. A feast with the community and a possible graduation ceremony, are planned for the five-day meeting.