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Literacy posters promote Inuktitut

Campaign unveiled in Arctic Bay

Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services

Arctic Bay (Apr 01/02) - A series of three Inuktitut literacy posters is to be unveiled in Arctic Bay Friday.

Produced by the energetic Nunavut Youth Consulting, the posters are designed to promote the use of Inuktitut by instilling pride in Inuit culture.

NYC spokesperson Jimmy Enoogoo is extremely proud of the campaign. Originally released during the Arctic Winter Games in Iqaluit, the posters will be shown to North Baffin community members this week.

"A lot of people are improving their Inuktitut," said Enoogoo. "We want people to speak Inuktitut well."

The three posters feature photographs of elders and youth in Arctic Bay. The local community and surrounding tundra provide the backdrop for slogans that encourage Inuit to speak their mother tongue.

Pauktuutit Inuit Women's Organization, the Department of Culture, Language, Elders and Youth and Edge Magazine all contributed funds for the literacy drive.

Nunavut Youth Consulting volunteered its efforts.