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Reaching new heights

William McDonald school gets a climbing wall

MIke W. Bryant
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Mar 06/02) - It may not be Mount Everest, but it likely won't make a difference to the kids.

William McDonald school, in fact, has one thing Yellowknife's other schools do not: A brand-spanking new climbing wall.

nnsl photo

William McDonald student Ryan Moss tries out the school's new climbing wall. - Mike W. Bryant/NNSL photo

According to principal Gord Breen, the idea to install it at the school came about when he heard the Canadian Forces Northern Area was looking for a home for its climbing wall.

"This space wasn't being used to its full potential, so we thought about a climbing wall," says Breen. "They said, 'I think ours will fit'."

The climbing wall is tucked away in an alcove adjacent to the school's gymnasium.

Northern Area's commanding officer Col. Kevin McLeod and Warrant Officer Steve Sandahl, along with several other volunteers, began erecting the two-storey climbing wall in December. A good deal of the work was done over Christmas break.

McLeod says the wall was purchased in Vancouver for a little less than $20,000. He would eventually like to build a larger one to be housed at the DND gymnasium.

"I'd love to see a Yellowknife indoor rock climbing club initiated," says McLeod.

Breen expects the wall, including additional scaling walls, to be completed by March spring break.

Besides students, army and air force cadets will also have access to the wall. Members of the public will also be allowed to use it if they ask for permission.

"I think it's pretty cool," says Grade 6 student Ryan Moss. "I climbed in Edmonton at Mountain Equipment Co-op. I think this one's better."