Thorunn Howatt
Northern News Services
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco prices rose by seven per cent compared to last year and nearly two per cent in February compared to the month before.
On average, prices in Yellowknife jumped 1.8 per cent for February compared to the year before.
That's higher than the country as a whole.
Yellowknifers also paid more to eat last month compared to last year, but on the flip side food cost less in February compared to January.
The good news is that water, fuel and electricity cost nearly one per cent less last month than the month before and a whopping 10 per cent less last month than the year before.
Consumer goods and services were 0.4 per cent higher in February compared to January.
Travel, women's clothing as well as personal care supplies and equipment can be blamed for the jump.
Prices for fuel oil and other types of fuel dropped by nearly 25 per cent though and offset annual price increases.