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You have voice mail

NWTel introduces new services in Inuvik

Terry Halifax
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Mar 15/02) - Inuvik businesses and residents have some new features to improve communications.

Last Tuesday, NorthwesTel launched the high speed Internet service and also announced the addition of voicemail to their list of services.

Voicemail will give subscribers a 24-hour answering service that can be accessed from anywhere without an answering machine.

Product manager Gina Moreau said the service also allows customers to send, forward and reply to messages.

The company will offer the service for a 30-day free trial and following that, residential customers will pay $6.95 per month and businesses will pay $11.95 per month.

With ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) high speed Internet, residential service will cost $79.95 and businesses will pay $259.95 for unlimited service.

Product manager Matt Ordish says the new service will offer speeds up to 100 times faster than current dial-up Internet.

"Downloading music, playing online games is much faster with ADSL," Ordish said, adding that the new service also frees up the phone while surfing. "You won't need an extra line for your phone or fax."

Both services are now available in Inuvik.