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Jammin' for Jesus

American evangelists bring high octane worship to Rankin

Darrell Greer
Northern News Services

Rankin Inlet (Feb 13/02) - A church service led by Evangelist Linda Kyzar and Rev. Bobbie Joyce Lively is guaranteed to lift as many voices as it does spirits.

The two are visiting Rankin Inlet as guests of the Glade Tidings Fellowship.

NNSL Photo

Evangelist Linda Kyzar (left) tickles the ivory and Rev. Bobbie Joyce Lively provides the vocals as the two lead the congregation in "Jammin' for Jesus." - Darrell Greer/NNSL photo

Pastor Barbara Patterson found Kyzer's Web site on the Internet www.elilabs.com/ upe/MAWP and the two stayed in touch.

Kyzer, a minister with the United Pentecostal Church, which is affiliated with Greater Grace Tabernacle in Rutherford County, Tenn., travelled to Yellowknife in December to preach at the Healing all Nations Crusade.

After deciding to stay for the revival, Patterson felt inspired to invite Kyzer to the Bible College.

She and Rev. Lively had worked together for more than four years and Lively volunteered to join her in Rankin.

"We've been busy, teaching classes at the Glad Tidings Bible College every day and preaching and singing at all regular church services.

It may be cold here, but we find the people very warm, open and friendly," says Kyzar.

"We've been befriended by several local people who have made us feel right at home."

The two were able to drop by the kamik sewing class at the Community Learning Centre for a visit and were impressed by what they saw.

"God has given the people of the Arctic special talents and tools to survive life here. I was absolutely delighted to know the elders teach the younger women the methods of their ancestors. It's survival here."

Lively could be heard for 12 years on Worldwide Christian Radio.

She says she feels tremendously blessed by being able to come to Rankin and meet such wonderful people.

"Everyone watched for the Northern Lights for us and one evening a brother and sister came by to tell us they were out," recounts Lively.

"It was so wonderful to realize God could make something so beautiful and then let this 62-year-old woman come and see it. I'm so happy to have been given the chance to come here and help broaden their understanding of the Lord."