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New wildlife officer for Coral Harbour

Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services

Coral Harbour (Jan 09/02) - While the lack of a wildlife officer in Coral Harbour meant hunters and trappers experienced some inconvenience in recent months, the vacant position will be filled next week.

Steve Pinksen, the senior adviser on legislation and enforcement for the Department of Sustainable Development, said last Thursday that a permanent wildlife officer is scheduled to arrive in the Kivalliq hamlet Jan. 14.

The position sat empty since August. Repulse Bay's wildlife officer, Joani Kringayark, has performed most of the functions in Coral Harbour during week-long fly-in trips since then.

Pinksen also said a second wildlife officer from Lake Harbour provided some relief and a casual worker from Coral Harbour was brought in to take care of some administrative duties.

"There was a reduction (in services) from having a full-time officer, but we've been flying officers in to keep up with the regular programs," said Pinksen, from his officer in Iqaluit.

Pinksen said the department took extra steps during the Christmas season to make sure Kringayark was in Coral Harbour to purchase white fox pelts from trappers.

"We made that intentional effort prior to Christmas so people would have extra money for Christmas," he said.

Kringayark will accompany the new wildlife officer into the hamlet next week.