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GNWT union bargaining

Thorunn Howatt
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 16/02) - Territorial government workers are looking for a new deal.

"We go into negotiations with the government of the Northwest Territories on Feb. 18," said president of the Union of Northern Workers, Georgina Rolt-Kaiser. That union represents more than 3,200 Northwest Territories workers.

"Our bargaining committee met last October and we have the package ready to go," said Rolt-Kaiser.

But the final approval won't be ready until early February, she said. "My team is meeting on Feb. 16 so we can have our pre-caucus meeting."

The team is made up of a diverse group including eight members from all aspects of labour and geographical areas: Fort Smith, Yellowknife, Hay River and Inuvik.

It is the first time in 12 years the union has had a negotiated collective agreement. The bargaining fine points, including the meeting's location, haven't been agreed to yet.

The Union of Northern Workers membership includes workers from hamlets and housing groups, drug and alcohol centres and territorial government employees.

"We are the largest union in the Northwest Territories," said Rolt-Kaiser.