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Graveyard tensions eased

DIAND to use ground-penetrating radar

Jorge Barrera
Northern News Services

Snowdrift (Jan 14/02) - A conflict between a territorial band and an exclusive fishing lodge over a graveyard could be settled this summer.

A spokesperson with the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs said they'll be running tests in August on a runway in Lutsel K'e elders believe lies over a graveyard.

"Based on those findings we'll determine what to do next," said Annette McRobert, acting director of operations with DIAND.

McRobert said an academic from the University in Calgary on a field trip to the Mackenzie Delta will probably run the tests using a ground- penetrating radar.

The runway is part of Plummer's Lodge, an exclusive fishing resort on Taltheilie Narrows in the eastern arm of Great Slave Lake.

Elders believe the graveyard was bulldozed when the runway was extended sometime in the early 1980s.

The lodge denies the allegations.

DIAND officials met with Lutsel K'e Chief Archie Catholique, and an elder who worked for Plummer's Lodge in 1968, met in Yellowknife on Dec. 17.

McRobert said DIAND will visit the community in February to hold a meeting with residents discussing the issue.

Catholique said the graveyard situation is moving in a positive direction. "We are happy with the way DIAND is handling this," she said.