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Carnival events changed

Nathan VanderKlippe
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 11/02) - Responding to concerns from the ministerial community, organizers of the Caribou Carnival and Canadian Championship Dog Derby have re-scheduled several events away from Christian Holy Week services.

Scheduled for March 28-31, the dates had drawn fire from religious groups concerned that it might distract from the Christian holy time.

Representatives from the carnival, Dog Derby and Yellowknife Christian Ministerial Community met on Wednesday for "a full and frank discussion to address the concerns raised," according to a press release issued after the meeting.

"This positive discussion has resulted in the parties establishing an intent that Caribou Carnival and the Dog Derby will not be held on Easter weekend again," the release added.

Those attending the meeting made a solidarity pact not to comment on the proceedings beyond the release.

Changes to the schedule for this year include:

- all activities on the ice will not begin until 1 p.m. each day, a delay of 60 minutes on Friday and 30 minutes on Saturday and Sunday.

- the fireworks and family barbecue will be moved to Saturday evening from Good Friday night.

Dog Derby president Dave Anderson said part of the reason for the Easter weekend dates is that the Dog Derby is part of the International Federation of Sled Dogs sport circuit.

As such, it is generally accepted that the Yellowknife race be held on the last weekend in March.