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Visitors centre turns 10

Gumboots help celebrate on Saturday

Jennifer McPhee
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Dec 07/01) - The Northern Frontier Visitors Centre is throwing a birthday party for itself this Saturday.

Ten years a go, after inhabiting various spots around town, the visitors centre moved into the circular, open concept building designed by Gino Pin.

The centre is owned by a group of non-profit organizations called the Northern Frontier Visitors Association, which consists of 130 businesses with an interest in promoting tourism.

The association, with help from RWED, the City of Yellowknife and numerous individuals built the centre in 1991.

It's a mecca of information about Yellowknife.

The two-level building houses a gift shop, aurora, mining and wildlife exhibits and a video library.

But employees also have binders and binders of information about the NWT at their fingertips.

"If we don't have an answer, we'll do the research and get it for you," says general manager Beth Harding.

Harding says the centre isn't just for visitors, but for the entire community.

"We'd like to increase the number of people coming in from the community," she says.

The centre hands out a relocation package to new residents, complete with information about churches, Northern climate and economic development.

"When I moved here, I got one," says Harding.

Harding hopes the community will come out for cake, hot chocolate, maple taffy and a live performance by the Gumboots on Saturday.

Celebrations will be held from noon to 4 p.m.