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Education cash missing

Dave Sullivan
Northern News Services

Fort Smith (Dec 03/01) - RCMP are investigating the theft of "tens of thousands" of dollars from the Fort Smith District Education Council, according to South Slave Divisional Education Council Superintendent Curtis Brown.

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Curtis Brown: Tens of thousands missing.

"The current secretary-treasurer has noticed some anomalies in the actual dollar figures in comparison to what was reported in the audit. This is a new secretary-treasurer so she picked up on that," Brown said.

Brown said the staff position involves secretarial and financial responsibilities. Louise Cumming started her position in late August, replacing Tracy Steed.

The exact amount of missing cash has not yet been determined, Brown said.

"The discovery was made two weeks ago," he said Nov. 26.

"We've turned it over to the RCMP and we're not to comment any further until the investigation has been concluded. We certainly don't want to jeopardize that investigation."

"What I can say is there's no indication of any wrongdoing by any (appointed) Fort Smith DEA members, past or present."

The South Slave Divisional Education Council (SSDEC) is a regional umbrella body which oversees local district education councils. Council members are elected, except in Fort Smith where they are appointed.

Department of Education funding is funnelled through SSDEC using a formula.

"It's the Fort Smith DEA's money that is in question," Brown said.