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AEC hoping for early start

Firm building tracked vibroseis equipment for seismic program

Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Nov 02/01) - AEC West Ltd. is planning a Kamik 2D program in the Delta this winter.

The proposal is to go through environmental screening in early December. David Baer, senior geophysicist with AEC, spoke recently on the program at a community consultation meeting at Ingamo Hall.

The Kamik 2D program includes five proposed lines for a total line length of 136 kilometres, and takes place on a block of land just north of Parson's Lake.

AEC is having tracked vibroseis equipment built for the program. The equipment should arrive in Inuvik in December. The firm hopes to start the program before the end of the year, and finish in April.

AEC is planning an overland route to bring the vibroseis units to the program area as soon as possible.

"We want to get the program started really most likely before the ice road is capable of being able to put those vibrators on," Baer explained.

Vibroseis will be used on land and on lakes frozen to the bottom.

Dynamite will be used on water bodies not frozen to the bottom. The charges will be drilled and placed in accordance with federal Fisheries and Oceans guidelines and offset distances.

A mobile sleigh camp will be used, and will consist of about three trailer strings mounted on sleighs.

"That camp will be moving from location to location as we shoot these lines."

Veri-Illuq will conduct the seismic program for AEC.