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New owners at The Diner

Couple promise a taste of the Orient, along with burgers and fries

Mike W. Bryant
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 14/01) - It may not be long before patrons at The Diner will be able to choose between ordering dim sum and a club sandwich.

NNSL photo

Ngo and Lynn Hoa. - Mike W. Bryant/NNSL photo

Ngo and Lynn Hoa will assume ownership of the well-known eatery Dec. 1. The couple says there will likely not be too many changes to the menu, but Chinese and Vietnamese dishes will be added in the near future.

"There will be the same menu, same name, but more food," said Ngo. "A little bit of Chinese and Vietnamese food later.

"Something that is healthy for the family," added Lynn.

The couple have lived in Yellowknife for 10 years, supplying restaurants with wholesale vegetables before purchasing The Diner.

They say they planned to buy the restaurant from its current owner Sam Yurkiw -- who took over The Diner in 1991 -- for some time.

"We just want to enjoy the work, make more income and do our best," said Lynn. "We're going to keep the same people. It doesn't matter who's boss. It will be teamwork."