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Rules of their own

Bruce Christensen
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Oct 31/01) - The Side Door Youth Centre was labelled a few weeks ago for allegedly letting teens drink in the drug- and alcohol-free youth centre.

It happened when a teenaged girl had gone to the centre and had allegedly been drinking and a parent had blamed Side Door.

Kevin Laframboise had been accused by the parent of letting her drink in the Side Door, something he denies and would like to go on the record with the centre's plan for combating just such actions by teens who frequent the place.

"Since we began and since I could remember there are some parents, who don't fully understand what Side Door is about, (and) have expressed concerns related to drugs and alcohol," Laframboise said.

"I would just like to express to the community that we are doing all that we can to make sure parents can feel good about their kids coming to Side Door. We had a meeting with the kids and we asked the kids to create rules and consequences for the new youth centre related to smoking. As of this week there is no smoking, even on Side Door property any more.

Laframboise said because the centre's goal is to become a good place for youth, if some of the youths are smoking outside the door that's not a good thing because when people walk up to Side Door they see kids smoking.

"As far as drugs and alcohol go," Laframboise said, "a kid found drunk is going to be asked to leave for a week. If they're too drunk we can drive them home or we will call their parents. If they won't allow us to call their parents then we will have to call the RCMP."

No littering

The centre is also planning to launch a no littering policy.

"If a piece of garbage is found, the Side Door will close down one hour early. We are trying to get the kids to be more involved in keeping the place clean because the Side Door workers shouldn't be janitors! They should be with the youth talking to them. This will hopefully make the kids take more ownership and pride in what we do and to make it easy for everyone."

"The kids made up the rules and the way we expressed it to them was we have to seek funding and encourage, we have to see ourselves as a good place for youth to come.

"I think when the kids make their own rules they may actually want to follow them. You know if you're going to make your own rules you're going to follow your own rules.

"The rules will be on a four-by-eight piece of ply-wood so you can't miss them."

Side Door will have an open house on a yet-to-be determined date for parents to express their views on the new centre. If you have any questions or concerns you can call Kevin at 766-3272.