Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
The Repulse Bay cadets (3055 RCCC) wanted to do something to make this year's Thanksgiving a special one and help out people in their community at the same time.
After talking over a number of different ideas, they came up with a plan to share a special Thanksgiving meal with a number of elders in their community.
Longtime Repulse Bay cadet instructor Leonie Aissaoui said the cadets also planned activities and entertainment for the event.
Music was played during the meal. Afterwards, the elders played games in the Tusarvik school gym with the cadets.
"The cadets planned the holiday meal with a little help from their cadet instructors," said Aissaoui. "It was a hit with the elders and the cadets. Everyone seemed to really have a good time."
The cadets split up the duties involved with the holiday feast. Some cadets sat down to design and make invitation cards.
Once the cards were ready, cadets went from house to house around their community delivering the Thanksgiving invitations to the elders.
Aissaoui said another group of cadets helped cook the meal, set up tables in the school hall, sort the proper musical selections to be played for such an occasion and also planned and organized the games to be played.
"The cadets even came up with a way to help others in the community after the meal," he said.
"The food left over from the holiday feast was given to the elders who were not able to come to the meal, and other less fortunate community members who appreciate a helping hand along the way."