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Educators go back to school

Terry Halifax
Northern News Services

Fort Smith (Sept 03/01) - Teachers of adult education got some lessons last week in program delivery at Aurora College.

A partnership was struck between the National Literacy Secretariat, the department of Education, Culture and Employment, Aurora College and the NWT Literacy Council.

"We have 55 to 60 attending, but we also have Thebacha Campus staff sitting in during orientation too," said Margaret Imrie, Director of Policy and Programs for Aurora College.

"We have a lot of new adult educators, we have a new curriculum that was implemented for the first time last year and we're bringing everybody up to speed on that," she said.

"One of the best things is people getting together to get to know each other and share their successes that they've had in the area of literacy," Imrie said.

"We have some great experienced people around that are coming in to facilitate different workshops."

The ABE curriculum was developed through a contract by Aurora College and is now the property of ECE, who continually monitor the programs to see what areas are working well and which areas need attention.

"It hasn't all been developed yet," Imrie explained.

"A large part of it has, but there are always recommendations from the practitioners who are on the front lines using the curriculum.

"Literacy is something that affects us every day in our lives; in our families, our jobs, our homes and all through life," she said.