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The gift of time

More than 60 volunteers lend a hand at the festival

Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (July 20/01) - Dozens of volunteers help the 13th annual Great Northern Arts Festival run smoothly.

Among them is Mary Edick of Littleton, N.H., who came to Inuvik specifically to volunteer for the festival. In fact, Edick started volunteering days before the festival opened.

She has worked on computers, bought supplies, photocopied, run all sorts of errands and helped to set up workshops. Edick is a retired potter and her husband, Jan, who is also volunteering, has a master's degree in painting.

"We've been connected with art all our life. What does a retired crafter do, but come to art shows?" Edick said.

"We've been collecting Inuit art for about 10 years," he added. "We're just excited by seeing all the artists and being able to talk to them."

The Edicks came to Inuvik last year for three days, during the 2000 festival, and decided to return.

About 60 people are volunteering this year, according to volunteer co-ordinator Linda Eccles.

Eccles pointed out, however, that the number could grow, as some visitors get so caught up in what's going on they sign on as volunteers.

She said volunteers hail from the United States, Scotland, Europe and Australia.

There is an incentive policy, in that for every hour they serve, volunteers receive a $1 credit that must be spent at the gallery. After 20 hours volunteers receive a free T-shirt.

"Most of the people that sign up are just really interested in helping out with the festival. They don't care about the little incentive thing," Eccles said. "They get to meet people from all over the world."