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The tilling fields

Green thumb time of year

Phil Duffy
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jun 01/01) - Now that an extra site has been added to the Gardening Collective twice as many garden enthusiasts are digging into to another season of growing their own.

For a mere $30 two people can have a three by six metre seasonal plot to grow their vegetables. Aimed at offering apartment dwellers a place to garden, each plot is rented and maintained by at least two people.

With funding help from the federal government, and land donated by the city, a second fenced area containing about 21 plots is now up and running adjacent to the previously existing one.

Lisette Self is one of the two site managers.

"There was a waiting list for about 45 plots. Now that the second site is up and running there are a total of about 42 plots," she says.

"We have 24 plots this year that will be used for growing vegetables for organizations like the Salvation Army, the Women's shelter, and the Baker Centre," adds Self.

Saturday, May 26 was the day designated for the tilling of the plots, signifying the official beginning of the society's season. The use of the rented rototiller is covered in the $30 rental fee.

"Because of the recent weather the soil is still frozen. The fifth of June is the recommended time to start the planting," says Self.

The crops that tend to do the best in our Northern climate are the root crops like potatos, carrots, and beets.

"I really enjoy the fresh carrots and potatoes," says second year plot tender said Sharon Veerman.

"You can't beat the taste of garden fresh vegetables you've grown yourself."