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Walk for sight

Jennifer McPhee
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jun 15/01) - The Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) raised enough money at a walkathon Monday evening to bring a senior's worker to Yellowknife for a series of workshops on vision impairment.

Before the walkathon, CNIB regional director Christina Vernon said she hoped the event would generate $1,000. However, the small group of walkers and sponsors surprised her by raising more than $1,300.

Supporters gathered for a barbecue before their stroll around town. Prakash Chugh, age 81, said she was there because she "wanted to give something back."

But seven-year-old Taylor Broddy admitted his motives weren't entirely altruistic.

"I'm here so I don't have to do my homework," he said while eating a hotdog.

The walk began at the Abe Miller Centre. Afterwards, there was a raffle and Vernon gave a short speech.

"Vision impairment is a concern for seniors," she said.

"Seniors need to know what is available to them and what they might expect."

According to CNIB statistics, one in nine people over the age of 65 end up with a vision impairment that can't be corrected with glasses.

The senior's worker, Leona Burkey, will arrive this fall.