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Shaving for a cause

Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Jun 15/01) - A "glare alert" will soon be issued for the Inuvik area.

The reason is that the bright sun will reflect off a lot of bald heads later this month. Several Mounties, plus members of the fire department and other community members, are having their heads shaved to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society.

A Close Shave takes place June 22 at 7 p.m. in Jim Koe Park. Organizer Const. Dan Martin also organized the last such event, held two years ago, which raised $25,000.

Martin explained that similar events are being held across the country, and that it all began a few years ago. An Edmonton police officer shaved his head to make a young friend battling cancer (and who had lost his hair) feel better.

"We're all affected by cancer one way or another. That's sort of my motive," explained Martin.

He pointed out that a former member of the detachment is in Edmonton now, and her mother is there fighting cancer.

The event was not held here last year.

"We felt to do it every two years in Inuvik might be better," Martin said.

"The community here is great for fundraising and supporting, but we thought every year might be a little too much, people might just get a little tired of it."

Those wanting to make a donation can contact the detachment or speak to members.