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Tighten up, kids

Kevin Wilson
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jun 15/01) - Kids and bikes go together like warm weather and ice cream. Mike Lowing would like to add proper helmet wear to that mix.

On a recent visit to an elementary school, Lowing watched students peeling away from the bike racks. He was heartened to see nearly all the kids wearing helmets.

But how helmets are being worn is cause for concern.

"Depending on the day, one out of every five to one out of every eight helmets will be worn right," says Lowing.

According to the Canadian Bicycle Safety Association, wearing a bicycle helmet reduces the risk of head injury by 85 per cent. However, that risk reduction only applies if the helmet is worn properly.

During the schoolyard visit, Lowing points out one of several young people.

"Look at that boy. The helmet is too loose on the head, and the chin strap is way too loose."

Lowing adds that if the boy were in a collision with a car, odds are the helmet will shift, exposing part of the skull.

Lowing reflected on an accident that happened last year, where a young boy carelessly rode his bike out in front of a car.

"The driver was doing 45 (km/h) and had no chance to stop. If the kid hadn't been wearing a helmet, he would have died," says Lowing.

Lowing says the fire department hopes to get into as many schools as often as possible to examine kids' helmets. Another helmet giveaway, similar to one held two years ago, is also being planned.

Fact file:

Parents getting a helmet for their children should remember the following things;

- Make sure the helmet is the correct size. It should sit just over the ears and two centimetres above the eyes.

- The helmet should sit evenly on the head, and not tilt to either side.

- The "V" of the helmet straps should come together just under the ear lobes, and the chin strap should have one finger width of slack under the chin.

- Helmets come with sizing pads. They should be secured in place with velcro attachments. Proper placement of the pads will prevent movement of the helmet from front to back and from side to side.

- While the child is wearing the helmet, twist it gently to the side with your hand. If the helmet is sized correctly, The skin will wrinkle with no discomfort.