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Cookie madness

Girl guides gear up for annual sale

Jorge Barrera
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 09/01) - The Girl Guide cookie. The only commodity in North America rarely refused when sold by a door- to-door canvasser (maybe it's the chubby-cheek smile of the Guides that hooks the customer).

Yellowknifers will get a spell of cookie heaven in the coming weeks as the local Girl Guides chapter steps up its cookie sale for a trip to Mexico.

Last Saturday the Girl Guides camped out in the parking lot of the Yellowknife Community Arena peddling their chocolate and vanilla treats.

Anyone driving up Franklin Avenue, probably couldn't miss the smiling guide holding a yellow sign emblazoned with large black marker letters: GIRL GUIDE COOKIES.

Sell them and they will come.

Minivan, by minivan Yellowknifers stopped by. Some buying a couple of boxes others buying a whole lot more.

Nancy Hayward bought 12 boxes of cookies. She said the cookies will last about a week in her home.

"My daughter will scoff them off," said Hayward.

"I also run a day-home (Grandma's Day Home) and I'll probably give them to the kids as snacks," she said.

Susan Major took home six boxes of the scrumptious sweets. She said some of the cookies are for friends who miss out on the cookie campaign.

"There's always friends of mine that get missed, they either don't get the knock at the door or just forget," said Major. "Then they ask me for some."

Cheryl Eggenberger bought two boxes and said it was all about the type of aesthetics the tongue enjoys.

"They taste so good," she said. "They're the best."

Chantal Dempsey, 12, stood by Franklin Avenue, near the entrance of the arena, holding up a yellow sign and a box of cookies while pointing at cars to turn into the arena parking lot.

"I'm selling cookies so we can go to Mexico," she said.

Dempsey said this summer's cookies are 5,000- times better than the chocolate mint ones they sold in the winter.

"They're made in a nut-free factory so people who are allergic to nuts can eat them," said Dempsey.

Elizabeth Duplessis, the Guides' "cookie lady" said they've sold 5,040 boxes since last Tuesday.

"They're addictive," said Duplessis.

The cookies go for $3.50 a box to $40.00 for a case of 12 boxes.