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The secret to beating father time

Phil Duffy
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 11/01) - At nearly 70 years-young, Edith and Norman Mair have discovered that their yearly cycling jaunts in various parts of the world have kept them healthier and in better shape than most people half their age.

Over the last 10 years this senior dynamic duo have spent months at a time cycling in Great Britain, France, Finland, Sweden, Australia, Norway, Ireland, and most recently New Zealand.

They've cycled across Canada from coast to coast. All told, they have logged 22,523 kilometres, to be exact.

"I keep a detailed daily log of our cycling mileage so that we know precisely how far we have gone during each of our vacations," said Edith.

The couple claim one of their most memorable excursions was in New Zealand where they logged nearly 2,000 kilometres on their bikes.

"From a scenic point of view I'd put New Zealand at the top of the list. The traffic was the lightest of all our trips and the people there are undoubtedly the friendliest we've encountered on any of our tours," said Norman.

Cycling has indeed become a way of life for this adventurous couple.

"I honestly believe that we owe our youthful appearance and abundance of energy to the fact that we both love to cycle for the pure enjoyment of it," said Edith.

"If you're not in the best of shape when you start a long cycle journey like the ones we have experienced you sure will be once you have finished," added Norman with a knowing grin.

At the age of 10 their grandson Lance accompanied Norman on a 1,901 kilometre cycling tour of Scotland, the couples homeland.

"I made the lad prove he could keep up with me before I would agree to take him on such a large trip," said Norman.

"We cycled the 20 miles or so out to Prelude Lake and another 20 back and he kept up with me all the way, so the trip was on. If my 10-year-old grandson can do it, it should serve as a fine example to others who are looking for a way to keep their body well-toned and healthy."